Aluminum Panels vs. Canvas

Aluminum panels have quietly emerged as a popular choice among artists for oil painting. Their appeal lies in their durability, providing a long-lasting canvas that doesn't sag or deteriorate over time. The smooth surface of aluminum panels allows for precise brushwork, enhancing the quality of your paintings, while they excel at retaining vibrant colors.

Canvas, on the other hand, boasts a long history and a more traditional charm. Some artists prefer the textured and tactile quality it lends to their work. However, canvas can be more susceptible to sagging and deterioration over time, especially with larger pieces, and may require additional care for preservation. While it may lack the inherent moisture and UV resistance of aluminum, some artists appreciate the organic and time-tested feel it imparts to their creations.

In conclusion, the choice between aluminum panels and canvas boils down to personal preferences and the specific needs of your artistic vision. Aluminum panels offer practical advantages for durability and color retention, while canvas retains its appeal for those who value its classic texture and feel.

Let me know which you prefer and why. ~


Sharon Stone and Jerry Saltz


Proper Cleaning and Maintenance of Oil Paint Brushes